More…unscrupluous business practices RE:Domains

Did you receive a letter from iDNS – Domain Name Expiration Notice? Here is another unscrupulous company that is trying to find ways to replace your current provider and over charge you in the process! They prey on fear (your domain will expire soon) and lack of knowledge (who controls my domain name? What do I currently pay for my domain?). We have attached a sample copy so you know what to what to look out for. Don’t get scammed…this is simply an attempt to hi-jack your business, but at least this company does actually offer domain services.

iDNS Letter


Should I buy a domain name?

Do you own a business? If yes…then you should definitely register a domain name whether you are ready to have a website or not. Any business should consider securing a domain name that closely matches their business/organization name for future use. Domain names are being purchased at the rate of 600,000 per hour world-wide. Don’t be left using the next best thing. Secure your name now!

What do you need to think about when registering a domain name? Well, there are a few things you should consider before making a selection or selections. First, think about how your existing clientele refers to your business. Think about what words you think people would type into a search engine to find your business or your kind of a business.

Keyword domain names (A.K.A. Generic Domain Names) work best for promoting your online presence to those that don’t already know your business name. A domain name that matches your business name is best for helping your existing customers find you online and for referring others to your business.

You should think about registering those that you feel best meet your business objectives, best fit your industry’s buzz words, and are most likely to be used in searches by your target market. More than one domain name can be pointed to a website, used for email, et cetera.

Search engines (like Google, Yahoo, Bing, and others) use domain name matches, web page titles, meta tags, meta keywords, page contents, et cetera, to gather their information and refer searchers to the appropriate online locations. Since the domain name is high on the priority list with search engines, the generic, or keyword, domain names can sometimes produce better results. It is a relatively inexpensive way to increase your online exposure without spending a lot of money in advertising or paid placement. Multiple domain names can just be pointed to one website.