The Lewiston Auburn Economic Growth Council (LAEGC) has launched a new website. The new site enables them to manage the content in-house to keep up in communicating local news and developments, as well as providing a well-rounded stopping place for visitors from all over the internet.
This website uses modern technology, including a Blog component for highlighting News & Events, employs PSA videos embedded from YouTube, including Lewiston-Auburn’s community overview, health care , arts, education and restaurant industries. It also displays a clickable slideshow feature, which previews and links to hot spots within the website. Its’ internal search engine further provides visitors with a new method for navigating and finding the information they seek.
To engage the community’s involvement and enhance the media campaign, the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council launched
This website is the final piece in the promotion and development of the highly successful “LA It’s Happening Here” campaign. It contains information on events and live happenings in Lewiston-Auburn, featuring articles on projects and changes, a historical timeline and interesting facts, things to see and do, which include searchable listings of restaurants and places to stay, and much more.
T.H. Creations, Inc. built the website for LAEGC utilizing a comprehensive Content Management System which allows them to easily add new content, edit existing content, and archive outdated items, in order to keep the site fresh.
Common Ties Mental Health Services has launched a new web site at Using WordPress CMS it allows for in house event updates, services updates, easy content management and organization.
Providing services for individuals such as medication management, employment services, housing resources and much more! Educate yourself on why these are important, read life changing stories from real people in real life events
Healthy Androscoggin has launched a new web site that uses the latest in WordPress CMS allowing easy event updates, employment openings, and assorted projects being worked on. provides information and support to individuals and families about substance abuse, tobacco use, healthy eating and much more! With content updates weekly you will be sure to find what you are looking for! is a new web site launched using WordPress CMS for easy content updates, additions to web pages, and to keep families most up to date in their goals and achievements.
Aimed at family education in youth with mental health issues, behavioral problems and all around to strengthen communities that deal with these issues and more.