L/A It’s Happening Here

The L/A It’s Happening Here website, found at www.laitshappeninghere.com, just got a facelift!

To engage the community’s involvement and enhance the media campaign, the Lewiston-Auburn Economic Growth Council launched www.laitshappeninghere.com .

This website is the final piece in the promotion and development of the highly successful “LA It’s Happening Here” campaign. It contains information on events and live happenings in Lewiston-Auburn, featuring articles on projects and changes, a historical timeline and interesting facts, things to see and do, which include searchable listings of restaurants and places to stay, and much more.

T.H. Creations, Inc. built the website for LAEGC utilizing a comprehensive Content Management System which allows them to easily add new content, edit existing content, and archive outdated items, in order to keep the site fresh.

Check the site out today and send them your comments and suggestions.